A Leader in Natural Gas Services in Texas & Oklahoma.

Understanding My Bill

WTG owns and operates approximately 5,797 miles of Natural Gas Distribution mainlines and serves 28,670 customers within the states of Oklahoma and Texas.

Register your account and login to view your current bill as well as see your billing and usage history at the following link: WTG eAccess

Information on ways to pay your bill can be found at the following link: Paying My Bill

Understanding My Bill

Your WTG bill is probably divided into the main categories as follows:

Cost of Service

  • This is WTG’s rate as established in the appropriate tariff for your state. This is a volumetric charge, which means that the total amount of the charge will depend upon the amount of gas used within that billing cycle. The rate itself remains constant, and will not change unless a new tariff is filed with the appropriate regulatory commission. This charge, along with the Customer Charge, represents the recovery of certain operating expenses, taxes and profits.

Cost of Gas

  • Unlike Cost of Service, this volumetric charge has a variable rate which will fluctuate from month to month depending upon the actual cost of natural gas. This figure represents the actual recoverable cost incurred by WTG in order to obtain and deliver your gas to you.

Customer Charge

  • This component is not based on the volume of gas consumed. It is a flat charge, and it will appear on every bill regardless of consumption. It can also be thought of as a minimum monthly charge.


  • GRIP (Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program) Rate is a monthly flat charge to assist WTG with the cost of the pipeline replacement program.

Rate Case Surcharge

  • This is a temporary charge which will be added to bills for billing periods, beginning with bills generated following the close of a WTG rate case. The purpose of this charge is to cover a portion of the legal expenses and fees incurred by all parties during the WTG rate case.


  • This is a sum of money required by a government for its support of or for specific facilities or services levied upon incomes, property, sales etc.  

Franchise Fee

  • This is the “rent” or “reimbursement” a franchised utility provider pays their respective city for the use of the public’s right-a-way. Utility providers incur the cost for being allowed to place their facilities in the public’s right of way. Franchise Fees are considered a cost of doing business and are not a tax.

Emergency Notification

Corporate Offices
303 Veterans Airpark Lane
Suite 4000
Midland, Texas 79705

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